The fiber optic temperature sensor is a sensing device that analyzes the spectrum of the fiber transmission to understand the real-time temperature by using the principle that the spectrum absorbed by some substances changes with temperature.
Mainly divided into the following categories:
1. Phase-modulated fiber optic temperature sensor, such as Mach-Zehnder mz interferometer, fp Fabry Perot interferometer, fiber grating temperature sensor and amplitude modulation type, such as microbend loss modulation polarization modulation type, etc. LCD temperature measurement
2. The thermal radiation fiber temperature sensor uses the heat radiation generated in the fiber to sense the temperature, which is based on the black body radiation phenomenon generated by the hot spot in the fiber core. Sapphire fiber optic temperature sensor
3. A light-transmitting fiber optic temperature sensor that uses an optical fiber as a sensor for transmitting measurement signals. The sensitive component is not an optical fiber. Such as semiconductor light absorption sensor, fluorescent fiber temperature sensor, thermochromic fiber temperature sensor.
Mainly divided into the following categories:
1. Phase-modulated fiber optic temperature sensor, such as Mach-Zehnder mz interferometer, fp Fabry Perot interferometer, fiber grating temperature sensor and amplitude modulation type, such as microbend loss modulation polarization modulation type, etc. LCD temperature measurement
2. The thermal radiation fiber temperature sensor uses the heat radiation generated in the fiber to sense the temperature, which is based on the black body radiation phenomenon generated by the hot spot in the fiber core. Sapphire fiber optic temperature sensor
3. A light-transmitting fiber optic temperature sensor that uses an optical fiber as a sensor for transmitting measurement signals. The sensitive component is not an optical fiber. Such as semiconductor light absorption sensor, fluorescent fiber temperature sensor, thermochromic fiber temperature sensor.