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How does the chip work?

Time:2025-02-27 Views:6
This is a packaged chip with integrated circuits composed of tens or tens of billions of transistors inside. When we zoom in under a microscope, we can see that the interior is as complex as a city. The integrated circuit is a kind of miniature electronic device or component. Together with wiring and interconnection, fabricated on a small or several small semiconductor wafers or dielectric substrates to form structurally closely connected and internally related electronic circuits. Let’s take the most basic voltage divider circuit as an example to illustrate that it is How to realize and produce effect inside the chip.
Integrated circuits can be made small thanks to semiconductor technology. Pure silicon is a semiconductor, which means that the ability to conduct electricity is worse than that of insulators, but not as good as metals. So the small number of mobile charges is what makes silicon a semiconductor. But a secret weapon is indispensable for chip work-doping. There are two doping types for silicon, P-type and N-type. N-type silicon conducts electricity by electrons (electrons are negatively charged), and P-type silicon conducts electricity by holes (a large number of positively charged holes). What does the switch in the voltage divider circuit look like in the chip and how does it work?
The switch function in the integrated circuit is the transistor body, which is a kind of electronic switch. The common MOS tube is the MOS tube, and the MOS tube is made of N-type and P-type semiconductors on the P-type silicon substrate. Two N-type silicon regions are fabricated. These two N-type silicon regions are the Source electrode and Drain electrode of the MOS tube. Then a layer of silicon dioxide is fabricated above the middle area of the Source and Drain, and then the silicon dioxide is covered. A layer of conductor, this layer of conductor is the GATE pole of the MOS tube. The P-type material has a large number of holes and only a few electrons, and the holes are positively charged, so the positively charged holes in this part of the area are dominant, and there are a small number of negatively charged electrons, and the N-type area is negatively charged. Electronics dominate.
Let‘s use the analogy of a faucet. The rightmost is Source. We call it the source, which is the place where the water flows out. The gate in the middle is the gate, which is equivalent to a water valve. The drain on the left is where the water leaks. Just like the water flow, electrons also flow from the source to the drain. Then there is an obstacle in the middle, which is the P material. The P material has a large number of positively charged holes, and the electrons meet the holes. It‘s neutralized and can‘t make it through. then what should we do? We can add a positive charge to the grid to attract the negatively charged electrons in the P-type material. Although there are not many electrons in the P-type material, adding a positive charge to the grid can still attract some electrons to form a channel. The electron passes. The summary is that the source is the source of electrons, which continuously provide electrons to flow to the drain, but whether they can pass through the grid. The grid is like a valve, a switch, which controls the opening and closing of the MOS tube. This is the principle of the MOS tube as an electronic switch.The grid is like a valve, a switch, which controls the opening and closing of the MOS tube. This is the principle of the MOS tube as an electronic switch.

Now that the electronic switch is known, let’s look at the realization of the resistance. First, make an N-type area on the P-type silicon substrate, and then use metal to lead out the two ends of the N-type area, so that N1 and N2 are the two resistors. This is the end, so the integrated circuit of the voltage divider circuit is to use metal to connect the MOS tube and resistor we just talked about on the silicon chip according to the connection relationship of the circuit.
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